CAPE strongly believes that partnership is a means of collaboration to achieve synergy in a formal or informal arrangement. For this, it has established a partnership with ‘Selam Children Village – Selam Technical and Vocational College’. CAPE is desirous of having partnerships with other like-minded institutes, both government and private, as a public-private partnership. Its partnership is intended with the inspiration of a common vision, a mutual understanding of purpose, avoiding domination and competition between partners for resources, enhancing commitment among all partners, establishing healthy communication and support from those with decision-making power, avoiding philosophical differences, and maximizing participation from key stakeholders, both government and private, and NGOs.
Possibilities for partnership
CAPE has strategically prepared to establish partnerships with the following organizations; Ministry of Labor and Skill, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, ILO, WHO, UNICEF, MasterCard Foundation, USAID, GIZ, Water AID, etc